We are sad to announce that economics Professor Emerita Laura Randall has passed away in May at the age of 87.
She was an author, a professor, a mother, and a beloved faculty member of Hunter College. She taught at Hunter College from 1968 to 1999. She taught development economics, specializing in Latin America.
Some of her publications include:
-The Political Economy of Brazilian Oil (1993)
-The Political Economy of Mexican Oil (1989)
-The Political Economy of Venezuelan Oil (1987)
-An Economic History of Argentina in The Twentieth Century; and A Comparative Economic History of Latin America (4 vols).
-Schooling for success : preventing repetition and dropout in Latin American primary schools Published Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2015.
-The Brazilian state : debate and agenda Published Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, [2011], ©2011
-Changing structure of Mexico : political, social, and economic prospects Published Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, c2006.
-Factors affecting learning and cost effective schooling in Latin America : Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico Author Randall, Laura
Dr. Randall edited The Politcal Economy of Latin America in the Post War Period, Reforming Mexico’s Agrarian Reform; and Economic Development: Evolution or Revolution.
Randall also enjoyed a plethora of other activities such as playing the cembello, volunteering in Riverside Park, knitting, cooking, and traveling.
In the 70s and 80s, she participated in the class action lawsuit that ended pay discrimination against female professors at CUNY. She was also in charge of the economics MA program during that time.
She will be deeply missed and not forgotten.